To further YouLe’s mission to nurture confidence in Mandarin from young, we have decided to offer complimentary workshops for parents to pick up tips and tools on how to spark their kids’ interests in Mandarin speaking at home!

YouLe Parents Connect

Our first complimentary Parents Connect session has since been successfully conducted. Besides learning about the beauty and simplicity of the Chinese numbers system, parents also learnt about ways to praise and encourage children that will boost their confidence.

Of course, in line with YouLe’s philosophy of injecting fun and practicality into every lesson, there were plenty of games-based learning as well as conversational practices.

We are thankful for the support and participation of the parents who attended, and are very encouraged to see that many parents, in spite of their busy schedules, will still take the effort to be actively involved in their kids’ learning journey!

Parents Connect is currently only open to parents of YouLe’s existing students. If you are keen in future sessions open to the public, kindly drop an email to [email protected] to indicate your interests and we’ll keep you informed of such events.

YouLe Mandarin
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